Sacramental Certificates

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Every Catholic parish around the world keeps permanent records of sacramental celebrations that take place in the church. St. Luke has records that go back 150 years!

When children register in a Catholic school or a religious education program, they need to provide a baptismal certificate. Couples preparing for marriage need to provide proof of baptism and confirmation.

Anyone who has celebrated a sacrament at St. Luke can request a certificate. We ask for an administrative fee of $5.

Sponsor Certificates

The Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation normally engage sponsors to support those receiving the sacraments in their life of faith. Sponsors qualify for the role in the following ways:

  • A sponsor must be at least 16 years of age.
  • A sponsor must be confirmed in the faith.
  • A sponsor should practice the faith by attending Mass regularly on Sundays and holy days of obligation.
  • If the sponsor is married, the marriage must be considered valid by the Catholic Church.

Sometimes the parish where the baptism or confirmation will take place provides a form that must be completed by the sponsor's parish. St. Luke also has forms that can be provided to sponsors.

Please note that St. Luke can only provide sponsor certificates for those who currently reside at the parish. Please contact the rectory for further information.

St. Luke RC Church

1634 Clintonville Street
Whitestone, NY 11357

St. Luke School

1601 150th Place
Whitestone, NY 11357