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Welcome to our website!

St. Luke Parish has a long history in northern Queens. Perhaps you are a parishioner from years ago trying to catch up on what’s happening at your old parish. Maybe you live in the neighborhood and are curious to know about St. Luke. Some visitors to our site may live in the community and are interested in becoming Catholic. Or perhaps you are a regular parishioner who is logging onto the website to see the latest copy of the bulletin or to find out about an upcoming event. Whatever your reason for visiting our website today, I extend to you a warm greeting to our website and to our parish!

While St. Luke has a long history that extends back to 1870, we have a present and a future that is enriched by everyone who makes their home in Whitestone. I hope that this virtual visit will be followed up by a visit to the parish where you can meet our parishioners and feel right at home.

Oremus pro invicem … let us pray for one another! May your visit to St. Luke reassure you of the wonderful love and mercy of God.

God bless you!
Fr. John Costello

St. Luke RC Church

1634 Clintonville Street
Whitestone, NY 11357

St. Luke School

1601 150th Place
Whitestone, NY 11357